Saturday, August 20, 2005

Stolen from Nick's blog:

Kat: hey, my life's pretty boring right now...I need to keep tabs on other people...hehe
Nick: and i need someone to talk to, so its a symbiotic relationship
Kat: wow. so, if we're a I the fungus or the bacteria?
Nick: lets think of a better example
Kat: no's algae....
Nick: im the humming bird and your a flower
Kat: right. good idea. No more lichen.
Nick: haha

Aaaawwww I miss Nick. And he can call me Flower, if he wants to. (Think skunk from Bambi.)
as to those rough times when that song is not playing...I don't know what to tell you.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Go out and find "Float On" by Modest Mouse. Buy it. Pirate it. Burn it from your friend. Lie in wait at your nearest college campus for that kid with the messy bed head hair and the thick black glasses and converse shoes to walk by so that you can jump him, take his iPod, and run cackling away with his painstakingly selected hours of Indie Rock.

I don't care what you do.

But you must get this song.

And you must listen to it very loudly when times are rough. Locked in your room alone. Or in your car, where you will sing to it at the top of your lungs and not care that others at the intersection are staring at you. Or at the gym, on your treadmill, where you will smile and even lip sync to it as sweat pours down your face and people will stare at you for being so happy on the treadmill. But it's okay, you don't need to mind them at all...because while you're running you'll be smiling because you are reassured. You will KNOW things could still turn out okay whereas these pansies lifting weights only hope so. You and Modest Mouse are great. You can do anything together. You are invincible.

(Until you put the song on your iPod and some random jerk barrels out at you from behind some bushes one day as you're walking to class, dashing your glasses on the ground and scuffing your converses.)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Oh happened is my day off, but I woke up at 7 anyway and tried to just stay in bed and sleep. But I couldn't sleep because all of a sudden I became uncontrollably and violently nervous. I am a full 44 days away from starting school. But not from moving in, and maybe I'm not so far away from a bunch of orientations and get-to-know-your-department sort of activities. And August is advancing waaaaaay faster than, let's say, June did. Oh no oh no! I keep staring at the e-mails that the grad advisor sends out to the incoming class (all 15 of us,) trying to weasle out of people's e-mail addresses what kind of person they are. :::Sigh:::

I think I'll go for a run....

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I just had homemade chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. :)

I know as well as you do that chocolate chip cookies are not part of a well-balanced breakfast, and that they are packed to the gills with processed carbohydrates and other scary fattening things. But I don't care, oh no, I don't. Because if I'm going to eat something that clogs my arteries or sticks me one step closer to counting myself among the ranks of obese Americans, it's damn well going to be chocolate chip cookies that my sister and I baked at home on one of the funnest afternoons ever.

We meausered. We mixed. We blended. We got messy. We made up songs about all of the above, complete with dance breaks. We got flour on our faces and batter under our nails. But damn, do those cookies taste good. :)

And, and! I went to the gym yesterday, and did my three miles of walking. And while I was cooling down, I decided that I felt pretty good. Really good, in fact. Like my legs were little limber bands of pure energy. And the Rocky theme song started to play on my shuffle. (Hell yeah I have the Rocky theme song, shoot...) So I sped up again. A little more. And a little more. And a little more. And all of a sudden...(Forest Gump stlye) I was run-ning! And damn, that was good too. I only did half a mile...but its coming back...I can feel it...another couple of weeks, and everything will be fitting together again. And, if you must know, I successfully quelled the urge to throw my fists into the air and prance around when I got off the tradmill. But only narrowly.

Oh yeah, and another thing...another one of those weird soundtrack my Shuffle was on shuffle mode and Grandmaster Flash's "The Message" came on at the beginning of my walk. And then the song was over, and I heard the beginning of it again. Over the gym's sound system. It started immediately after mine ended. And, granted, this is a great song...but it's not top 40 or anything (if the same thing has happened with "Hollaback Girl" (which, just so we're clear, is NOT on my iPod...) then I wouldn't be surprised. Or weirded out. But it IS a great song. And one does not ignore it when fate randomly throws a song called "The Message" into one's ears twice in close succession.

Don’t push me, cause I’m close to the edge
I’m trying not to loose my head
It’s like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder
How I keep from going under