Monday, February 18, 2013


Two drafts of "Personal Statement of Career Goals," one of what I really think, and one of what I ought to think.
Decaf Americano (because Regular espresso messes with me, now that I am no longer 22) and pumpkin bread.
Re-read/re-do resume.
Chat with D, retired, who reads the paper at Starbucks next to me most days I am here.
Final review of "Proposed Plan for Completion of the Dissertation."  It's done-- it's done.  No, don't look at it again.
Email friend, to see if dinner tomorrow night is still on.
Email adviser, attach latest "Proposed Plan for Completion of the Dissertation." Ask, politely, if the meeting time set for tomorrow is still okay.  Remind self that, whether email garners response or not, chances of adviser being in office at previously agreed upon time are about 50/50.  Accept situation with quiet resolve, plan for no funding and absent adviser next year, the year you plan to file your dissertation.
Pull up California Community College's job registry site, to remind yourself that there are jobs out there.  Convince yourself that you are ENORMOUSLY qualified.
Boyfriend texts, to tell you about the food he's eating for lunch.  It's the little things that make a good day, really.
Nonfat Chai Latte, because it's time for caffeine.
Goodbye, D.  Have a good rest of the day.
Peek at craigslist, too.  If no funding and career stall, you can continue work as private tutor to the rich and famous.  (Not exactly what you wanted, but the families often feed you pie, and, at Christmas, you get tons of swag.)
Review clauses for tutoring session later, and develop an hour-long lesson on Independent and Dependent clauses, with sub-lessons on noun clauses, adjective clauses, adverb clauses, and on simple/compound/complex sentences.  Hope to good lord Jesus that tutee's teacher does not expect them to know difference between relative and non-relative clauses, or coordinating and correlative conjunctions.
Think about pie again.
Yogurt, and a cup of tea, with too much Splenda.
Third draft of statement of career goals.
More tea or no tea for ride to new tutee's house?  Decide no, because, if you've never worked with a client before, you don't like your first question to be, "where's your potty?"
Blog.  Think about what's for dinner--if grocery store on the way home, then sweet potatoes with arugula and roasted edamame, if not grocery store on the way home, peanut butter sandwiches.  Resolve to get quarters.  Resolve to do laundry.  Resolve to work more on actual dissertation later tonight so that you can finish and graduate and get a job you like and have a nice apartment that you like and go to museums and see independent films and be with people you love and be happy.

Reconsider second tea.


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