Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Blog is Ten.

I don't always seem to remember my blog's birthday, but I always remember that it happens at the end of August, because that's when Berkeley starts.

I guess I really haven't written much in the past...few...years? 

Sorry, blog. 

I'm not really sure why I stopped.  Well, everything that happened two summers ago has something to do with it.  I think I felt like, because I had made someone very sad and probably very angry at me, because I broke up with someone, I had no right to do dumb things like make up stories about talking yogurt.  (Well, okay, I wrote dumb stories about cavemen instead...but mostly that just made me feel...dumb...)  Even though humor is mostly my way of processing things, what right did I have to need to process things?  But time has passed, and I'm pretty sure that lots of people that used to read this blog don't anymore, and that it's okay to make inanimate objects (mostly food) talk to me again.

And a lot has happened in those two years.  I moved. I broke up with someone. I switched Physical Therapists (a bigger deal than you'd think). I started a new job at a scholarship center on campus. I dated a neighbor. I had a birthday.  I broke up with said neighbor.  I realized it was A REALLY BAD IDEA to date your neighbors, especially if you share NUMEROUS COMMON WALLS. I passed an exam and got another degree. I considered becoming a nun. I joined an internet dating site. I now have ridiculous dating stories, including one that we can just call "the naked guy story." I found out that I was REALLY bad at dating, in part because I was a BASKET CASE. And then I met someone. And I fell in love. And I cried a lot. And he held my hand and told me that I didn't need to. (And I learned that I could believe him.) I had a falling out with a friend. I grew closer to other friends. I worked on my dissertation a lot, without getting as much written as I ever wanted. My sister broke up with her boyfriend. My best friend went through something terrible. I got a car. I moved again. I am just about to finish my first chapter, and I have realized that I have about 70 extra pages that will actually fit into other chapters...

My God, Blog.  Don't leave me now...

...it's been a very nice decade with you, Blog. 


Blogger NP said...

Happy birthday blog!

11:54 AM  

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