Saturday, July 19, 2008

Summer, #2

So apparently posting things to your blog about how open your schedule is is the best way to get people to call you. I'm all for that, and, frankly, I'm disappointed with myself for not having thought of it sooner. Damn.

Right. Updates!

Here's what's going on:

1. BJ is in Europe still. Scotland, in particular. Where there are, apparently, lots of sheep. Lots of sheep. BJ, if you get a chance to check this, I hope your talk goes well (I'm sure it will!), and, as a general reminder, I like chocolate, mugs, and kitschy magnets that say stuff like "my boyfriend went to Europe and all I got was this stupid magnet." I'm a sucker for light irony from foreign places.

2. I am a backslider. Earlier in the summer, (ie, 3 weeks ago) I approached my reading load with Puritanic zeal. Then, noticing that my retention of said read materials was flagging, I decided to try and work on one of my papers for a little bit. And everything ground to a screeching halt. To be remedied...starting tomorrow...

3. I have decided to like Radiohead. Like, a lot. Mostly because I spent two hours straight on a long drive listening to "Bodysnatchers" over and over and over. If that's not liking a lot, I don't know what is.

4. Slim fast. I know what you're thinking: "Kat, that's so sad. Slim fast? You don't need to be on a diet, really. And that one really isn't that good for's a lot of chocolate and prepackaged foods." Whatever. I DO need to be on a diet-- because, at best, all I do all day is sit in my house and read, and, at worst, all I do all day is sit in my house and procrastinate. And there's very often a lot of baking involved in avoiding work. As an added perk, keeping up with the slim fast thing helps me to get up way early in the morning (sometimes 6am.) Why? Because the first thing I get to do with my day is sit down and eat a CANDY BAR. I have no illusions about this. Sure these things are nutritionally balanced, and sure they have a good amount of protein. But it's CANDY BARS, people. And I get to have them for breakfast.

5. The bay area. I miss the bay area and everyone I know in/from it SO MUCH. I'm so glad that I just got to see Nick and Kay this past week. And that I had lunch with Eric earlier in the month. And that I'm going to see Candice soon. It's gotten to the point where I go walking around LA in the early morning before the Marine layer has had a chance to burn off, just to feel a little more at home. :::sigh:::

and now back to Tom Jones...