Tuesday, February 28, 2006

When I finish the first draft of my Victorian paper, these little guys are mine.

That's right. I've resorted to bribing myself with presents.

Don't you go acting like you're better than me, now. I can see right through that. You're just jealous of my idea.

In other news:
I want all the chocolate in the world. That's right. All of it! It was all I could do the other night to keep myself inside of my house. So that I would not let loose upon Diddy Reese, and pilage it forthwith of its entire stock of chocolatey goodness in the form of cookies, brownies, ice cream, what have you. I also wanted some candy bars. Particularly the Lindt kind with the hazlenuts in them. And a mocha would've been nice too. All of it!

Amazing, I tell you. The chocolate cravings that have crept in during my recent efforts to cut back on coffee could power the entire city of L.A. if their sublime power could but be harnessed.
hmm... :::picture me on a huge hampster wheel running, arm outstretched for a hershey bar:::

I'm serious. This has potential...