Friday, March 14, 2003

With my hardest week of midterms and papers this semester looming over the near horizon like a plague of locusts about to descend and strip my intellectual capacity to its very stalk, I spend my days like this:

9am- Get to work, it's slow. Instead of reading, spend two hours trying to find sufficient backgroung for computer at the circulation desk to displace Chris's last selection of the late '80's hair band Poison standing in their Rock n' Roll contrapasto badass apathetic leather-clad teased-hair glory pose. Space filled quite satisfactorily by a picture of early-90's Vanilla Ice in a sequin shoulder-padded jacket decorated like the American Flag. Caption reads: Word to Your Mother.
11am-Continued work, mess around with work buddies while reshelving.
12pm- Lunch with some of the best people in the world.
1:30- Return home, fall asleep
4:30- Wake up. Lisa comes over, I do her hair for the ASUC ball, lots of girl talk (hehe)
7:30- Eat dinner.
8- Trapped in the paradox of doing things while at the same time doing absolutely nothing. (Like writing in my Blog...)
8:30- Supposed to leave with friends for San Francisco, comedy club! woop!

So let's recap, shall we? Vanilla Ice, Eat, Sleep, Hair, Eat, Nothing, Go pay to laugh at people, Sleep (eventually)

Tomorrow I'm going to shackle myself to my desk.

Sunday, March 09, 2003

I am trudging through an endless desert of Russian Music....
.....must.......write....:::cough:::: paaaapppeerrrr......Russian Opera.....must....write...:::gasp:::

Yes, my friends, by Spring break your pal Kat may be no more. All this only to round off the school year and begin again next year. C'est la vie.

So I have a new goal in life: Go to Graduate School. Ah, but let me be more specific: Go to Yale for Graduate School. Or maybe Harvard, I'm not too picky.
When I e-mailed this intention to my father I got a good laughing at. Yep. He thinks I'm kidding.
But seruously, I can get into Yale...I just need to restructure my life a little. For example, I've decided on some points of definite evasive action...

1. Get good grades.
2. Do the English honors program, I get to write a thesis.
3. Take some extra language classes, a little French, A little Latin.
4. Get involved in the English Undergraduate Association.
5. Maybe intern at City Lights Publishing if I can do it.
6. More Community Service.
7. Publish new American Novel for the 21st century.
8. Get cancer, recover from it, and write an intriguing personal statement about it.
9. Wake up tomorrow and be Latina.
10. Save child from burning building.
11. Build orphanages in third-world countries.
12. Bring much-needed food and medical supplies to afore-mentioned third-world countries.
13. Work on that Aids epidemic problem in South Africa.

All of this to do and here I am writing a Blog...