Friday, December 05, 2003

Gene n' Me...On Gene's brother Yul...

TheKatsMeoW137: awww....and how is Yul?
irunazn112: loves skool
TheKatsMeoW137: well duh.
irunazn112: especially organic chemistry
irunazn112: i guess he gets the highest grade a lot
TheKatsMeoW137: in O-chem? now I'm just shaking my head...
irunazn112: yeah
TheKatsMeoW137: Gene....we need to's about your brother...
irunazn112: lol
TheKatsMeoW137: I have serious reason to believe....
TheKatsMeoW137: believe....
TheKatsMeoW137: well....
irunazn112: speechless
TheKatsMeoW137: Gene, your borther's a robot.
irunazn112: HAHAHAAHAHA
TheKatsMeoW137: It's time that you knew. I'm sorry, son.
irunazn112: NO!!!
TheKatsMeoW137: yes, it's a turbulent time for us....but...that's just how things's just the way the cookie crumbles....
irunazn112: oh well
irunazn112: it happens
TheKatsMeoW137: your brother's a sister's extra terrestrial....

Just as a disclaimer: Yul, Lizzie, if you guys read's just because we're really proud of you. We're especially proud of your nice, forgiving know...the natures that prevent you from freezing our underoos when we're not looking. That is all.