Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sorry for the scary posting!

Mom update: She's okay! She's getting her left foot set right now at the doctor's. And she said they had the best airport experience ever in Philadelphia because they got curb-side luggage service, almost immediate security check in, and then one of those little golf cart thingy things drove everybody right to their gate. And then they got home and Lizzie and I had made a nice dinner, cleaned the whole downstairs, and set up a nice little bed area for her on the first floor. So it looks like she's thinking that this whole inability to walk thing might not be such a bad deal.

And Angela and Andrew are doing great too! Angela looks like she's been in a boxing match. But we taught her just to say, "If you think THIS is bad, you should see the other guy." And then waggle her little fist.


Thank GOD.

Hope the holidays are finding all of your families safe and sound, too! Merry belated Christmas! Happy (C)han(n)ukah! Mela kalikimaka!