Saturday, June 28, 2003

Christopher Walken is about as cool as cool gets. If he got together and played hockey with Mr. T and Batman, no one would be allowed to watch because your head would explode from coolness overload.
-some guy

From my best friend's buddy profile. I guess everyone needs something constructive to think about every once in a while, don't they?

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Welcome to the unveiling...if we could all raise our glasses for just a moment, I'd like to propose a toast. After drastic remodeling, our little blog has emerged sleeker, smarter, and more well equipped for life in the 21ist century. It took years of work, but finally...yes, has all paid off. We will miss the old, but hopefully gain a fresh perspective from the new....etc.

Okay, so really I just changed the title of the page. Cheers.