Sunday, September 13, 2009

Alright, guys, so it's about to be Fall again. I don't know how this happened. But I'm not just going to sit back and take it this time. This time, I'm going to amass a list of good things about Fall that will make the end of summer and the commencement of another academic year seem less tragic. So here it is:

Things That Are Good About Fall

1. You can listen to !!!'s song, "Feel Good Hit of the Fall," and, like, feel good.

2. New school supplies! For my part, I bought a big fabulous leather-bound multi-section notebook from Staples about a month ago. And fancy pens. In which and with which I plan to do the bulk of my pre-dissertation drafting. Because instead of acting like an adult and using a computer, I prefer to eke out my prospectus with gel pens on carefully lined paper with my tongue peeking out of the corner of my mouth, like a first grader.

3. Pumpkin. You can has!

4. Actually, squash of any kind. Warm, delicious, buttery squash. Roasted, mashed, spaghettied-- whatever!

5. Soup. Unlike the summer months, when you have to eat your soup shamefacedly-- perhaps even sipping it from a travel coffee thermos in order to shield your consumption from potential naysayers and passers-by who do not understand the seasonless appeal of said food item ("Soup! But it's hot out!" Maroons.)- you can let your soup flag fly in Fall, unabashedly slurping it by the spoonful in even the most public of places!

6. New lunchboxes. Mine comes complete with two little tuperwares that fit into a big tuperware, and a removable cold pack. Too bad they didn't have one with Iron Man on the front. Damn.

7. Kind of a corallary to both 5 and 6-- Fall is good because you can break out your very own crock pot to make all of those yummy soups and even stews to take with you to work in your very cool new lunchbox! I just got a crockpot earlier this week. MY HOUSE SMELLS LIKE CHILI. Beat that.

8. Halloween and Thanksgiving are just around the corner. Costumes. Candy. Hand. Turkeys. Turkeys made out of traces of your hand!! Brilliant!

So, there's my list so far. When school does start, I promise not to walk around campus quoting "Nothing Gold Can Stay" too much...