Wednesday, June 11, 2003

It has again been brought to my attention that I have been neglecting my poor little blog. I just don't have much to write about. Haven't been pissed off or intellectually stymied by anything in a while. I think I'm traveling down that summer path of apathy. Quite nice, really. Nivesh suggested I go visit the DMV. He's probably right, I'm sure there'd be enough bureaucracy there to set me off on tirades against latent idiocy for at least the next ten years. But who needs more of that,right? I'm sure you all have friends that could bitch needlessly just as well in person. Shoot, for many of you I might just be that friend.

But I digress...

So guess what! I got this MP3 player off of e-bay...and wow! let me tell you. Wow! This thing is awesome!!!!! Yeah. Only thing is that now I've been walking around Berkeley and I catch myself mouthing the words to songs. And sometimes gesticulating. Ah, hell. Let's call a spade a spade, shall we? It's actually dancing. Yup. People probably think I'm special, but in actuality it's just me and Stevie Wonder all in my own little world, boogying on down Shattuck Avenue.

Ah, hell. I am special.