Friday, December 11, 2009

I've been in a funk lately.

Which, by the way, is a complete misnomer. A funk should be a short passage of time in your life when everything is going right. So right that your everyday movements are best underwritten by P-funk lyrics, and in which you feel like Sly & the Family Stone could provide the soundtrack to your normal routine. Thank You (Falletinme Be Mice Elf Agin), bus people. And hey, you guys at the library, let's ALL Dance to the Music.

It certainly shouldn't be a time in your life where you sit at home most of the day, without even accomplishing minor chores like washing the breakfast dishes, pretending to do work, but really watching HOURS of Law & Order on your computer and thinking, "Damn. There's LOTS of Law & Order."

It also shouldn't be a time in your life where you end your day by playing about half an hour of tetris, night cap of Kahlua on the rocks in hand, thinking, "Damn. I get way bad at tetris after I've had a little Kahlua."

Maybe it's just that I haven't accomplished very much this quarter-- not on paper, anyway. Now, though, I have a few months of no-teaching time to get in some good research (which should be a good thing, not a scary one.) My hip's also feeling slightly better every day that I take care of it-- so maybe I'll be back in the gym on a regular basis again soon. Beyond that, it's the holiday season-- so instead of worrying about the enormous number of simple sugars and trans fats out there, eager to infest my gym-forbidden body, I'll just look forward to spending time with people that I don't normally get to see.

Yes. Tomorrow I will do my dishes first thing when I wake up, go for a nice walk at the gym, and move to Starbucks for a while to grade and to hear some Christmas tunes.

I will turn this mother out. Get down on it. Take control of my funk. I hear jumpsuits are back in.

We'll see how it goes...

Next day status report: Did dishes. Went to gym. Took care of some work-related issues via email. Didn't go to Starbucks, but it's raining out. In the cold. Water falling from the sky, being whipped around by cold air. I'm sure you can understand why I opted for my nice n' toasty apartment. Am off to pack for Tucson...