Saturday, February 26, 2005 What a week this has been, what a week. Thursday was a day marked by my inability to complete operations using the simplest of motor skills- you know, walking, standing, sitting, writting. Everything came to its grim culmination in FSM that evening, where I spilled the ENTIRE contents of my large cup of decaf coffee all over the counter there- it covered the whole counter, make a puddle on the floor, and....AND it was so masterfully spilled that it managed to target the woman next to me. Who then proceeded to be a little upset. In a strong German accent. In front of ten other people who wanted there coffee but couldn't get to the counter because of my strategically placed puddle. Yes. Have you ever felt the brunt, the burn, of twenty caffine-needy eyes boring into you- you, the cause of their discontent, and the only obstacle between them and the perk they had looked forward to after hours of class? Yes.

But, later on things were vastly improved. By Friday I had resolved to maybe get more sleep....and maybe give up the decaf for the real shabang. And, last night...before about 11:30, was some of the best fun I've had. A bunch of us went to the Bear's Lair, I guess because we'd never been there before. And it was really great after about one beer. After two, it was even better- warm, fuzzy, I think some of us even sang some cal songs. But then, I didn't know how many beers I had had- those pitchers will throw you off. And then...ah, yes....repercussions started when we walked outside. I suppose its good, I learned. I learned what it feels like to be the one christening the trash can outside of the college bar- and the one further down the plaza- and the one across the street. So that was a little bad. But you gross as I felt...I have the best friends in the history of the universe. Sometimes, its nice to know that you have people to lean on when you can't walk youself...Thank you Candice and Kay, thank you Steph, Lauren, Dan, Tejas, Erik and Nick. You guys are great. :) We'll do it again sometime...and, if we dont get too drunk too fast, maybe we'll even get around to the streaking...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

OhmyGodyouguys! it worked! Playing hard to get, that is. Well, not *really* playing hard to get...I just wasn't obsesively answering my phone because I had avocado all over my hands at the time (making a salad for lunch...) BUT when I checked my messages...Irvine had called!! I got into Irvine! there was jumping around and skipping and everything (witnessed by my roomates.) So yes, new tactic: I will new longer check my e-mail or my phone thrice hourly. Nono, that's not the way to rope 'em in. You need to be coy. Suave. Have a certain sang froid that lets them know who's boss. You want me in your Critical Theory program? It's cool. I'll think about it. You know, when I'm done my salad. Let's see if it keeps working.

For now, on to my Aritstotle paper. Or my Plato paper. Or my Plato and Aristotle paper. But, you know, it's cool. Whatever.