Friday, May 11, 2007

sometimes, I just think that there could have been more thought put into it... a little more planning, you know?


we all make our own beds...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I don't blame Eve so much. Apples are really, really good. Today I walked down Weyburn on my way to class eating a big, round, giant-sized Gala apple that I had found at the store earlier, and it was so sunny out. It took me until I was halfway down my usual route on Westwood to finish it. Some of the pleasantest seven or eight minutes that I've ever spent. And if apples are this good in our own fallen world, I can only imagine that the produce in Eve's pre-lapsarian, divinely cultivated, noumenological paradise must have been first rate.


I really like the TV show House. If I'm cooped up on Friday or Saturday nights doing work, my favorite thing in the whole wide world to do is to take a break from 8-9 and curl up with a cup of hot chocolate and a little bowl of popcorn in front of the TV and watch the House reruns they play on the USA network. Today I downloaded Massive Attack's song, "Teardrop," because I get all excited when I hear the first few bars.

Oh, Hugh cheeky bastard...


I don't really listen to music, in the general sense, on my iPod. I fixate on particular songs. I'll listen to the same song, over and over-- maybe for a day, maybe for a couple of days. Sometimes I'll go out for a 40 minute run with the same song on repeat the whole time. Or I'll replay the same part of a song--usually the beginning- multiple times, focusing on one aspect of the piece-- the baseline, the falsetto voice, the totally sweet drum break or guitar lick. Today, it's actually been The Bravery's "Public Service Announcement," which features, as I have decided, one of the best lyrical moments of the 21st century:

You put the "broke" in "brokenhearted"!
You put the "r" in "re-tarded"!

I love these two lines. They're hilarious. They're sort of flippantly spoken/shouted by these two guys over this awesome bass riff. And every time I listen to them, I know when their voltaic turns are coming, but I still laugh as if totally surprised.

cheeky bastards...