Tuesday, September 11, 2007

1. Dan the Man and Gwen Stefani.

Dan-- thanks! I know it sounds cheesy, but now every time I hear Gwen Stefani's, "The Sweet Escape" I get warm fuzzies. Remember, at Erik and Lesley's wedding, how that song came on just as we were all walking up to wave goodbye to them at the end of the night? And you started singing the "woooo-ooooo, weeeee-oooo" part, and a couple more of us joined in? When I hear that song now, all I can think about is how nice it was to see everyone again. The whole weekend was great, but, for some reason, the memory of a few of us Berkeley kids singing has been the one that has really stood out for me.

2. Taco Tuesday.

After the high school lets on out Tuesday, my brother whisks through the door (Kramer style), runs up to his room, throws on some silly pants, shoulders a huge boom box (usually blaring either Herb Alpert or AC/DC), and runs back out again to meet a bunch of his sombrero-clad friends at the Del Taco down the street.

They call it Taco Tuesday...