Friday, October 28, 2005

I have nothing in particular to say, it's just that I have something very particular to read, and I don't particularly want to read it right now.

I went to my very first English-y academic-y conference today at the Clark Library. On conceptions of...well....conception in the 17th and 18th centuries. Where I got to hear super-annuated professors describe/analyze/forward questions about very fun things like reproductive cycles, specific anatomies, midwifery, and frogs wearing tafeta trousers. BUT there was free food involved. And lively discussion. And and! A professor fight! Serious! Professor McClure apparently took some issue with the manner in which one presenter was relating theory and notions of empirical knowledge and...well, shit went 'nanas.

And now I've been around trying to read Vindication of the Rights of Women. Which, roughly translated, means that I've been people watching in the Coffee Bean (while simultaneously trying to avoid being looked at by other people...I shall not be subjected to the gaze! I shall not!) And talking to Katherine about the deadly teletubby ninja assasin squad and its plans for tomorrow night. And listening to jazz. And realizing that I'm a sappy girl and I like my boyfriend a lot and I miss him and this whole "being apart" thing is it's going to be. But I'm not wallowing. I'm not. One girly drink in the privacy of my own room is not wallowing. (Fuzzy navels were not engineered for self-pity. They were engineered for...hmmm, well probably for sorority girls to get drunk quickly. We'll leave that one alone.) And now I'm going to get back to my pjs and my books and my Friday night.

Which, all told, hasn't actually been so bad at all...

Monday, October 24, 2005

Here's what I found on my screen today when I got home from school:

My away message: O campus! My campus!

IM from Nick: your campus is up here. that other brick infected campus is just a hoe your using to get a Phd.

My immediate reaction: Awww, Nick! I miss you too! And I'm not cheating on Berkeley. (Ahem...must I remind you, Nicholas, about a little town called Campbell? :::cough, cough:::)

IM from Marisa:
Marisa: Oh my god kat.

Auto response from TheKatsMeoW137: O campus! My campus!

Marisa: last night I had a long, vivid dream that you and bj had rented out the entire city of pasadena for your wedding
Marisa: plus the qhhs marching band and drum line... which bj was trying to train a few minutes before the actual ceremony
Marisa: and we couldn't find your dress because there were too many stores that it could have been in
Marisa: and I was so relieved when I woke up.
Marisa: weddings... they're even stressful when they're just dreams about other people...
Marisa: did I mention that johnny cash was there too?

My immediate reaction: :::blink, blink::: Johnny Cash!

Ummm...and just to clarify: I don't have immediate plans to get hitched or anything. Or to rent out the entire city of Pasedena. Or my old high school band. Or to invite an undead Johny Cash to do anything.