Sunday, February 20, 2005

OhmyGodyouguys! it worked! Playing hard to get, that is. Well, not *really* playing hard to get...I just wasn't obsesively answering my phone because I had avocado all over my hands at the time (making a salad for lunch...) BUT when I checked my messages...Irvine had called!! I got into Irvine! there was jumping around and skipping and everything (witnessed by my roomates.) So yes, new tactic: I will new longer check my e-mail or my phone thrice hourly. Nono, that's not the way to rope 'em in. You need to be coy. Suave. Have a certain sang froid that lets them know who's boss. You want me in your Critical Theory program? It's cool. I'll think about it. You know, when I'm done my salad. Let's see if it keeps working.

For now, on to my Aritstotle paper. Or my Plato paper. Or my Plato and Aristotle paper. But, you know, it's cool. Whatever.


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