Sunday, February 06, 2005

Ohmygosh!! This has been like, the BEST birthday EVER!! And its only 1 in the afternoon!!! On Friday I had a little kid ice cream party at Fenton's...I made goody bags and we all wore Rainbow Brite and Power Ranger birthday hats! I also decided to cheat on my recent diet/health nut regimen (okay, okay....regime...) and I ate a LOT of ice cream. No, really. Like a LOT. And I have literally the best friends ever. EVER. Pretty much everyone came, it was so pleasant. I don't think I've enjoyed anything so much since the actual little kid party I had for my 5th birthday (maybe 6th...who knows...) And then Saturday Beegiedearest took me out for all the sushi I could eat and we saw The Life Aquatic. (excellent, by the way...excellent. "We'll get you a cap and a speedo.") And THEN, this morning he took me out for pumpkin pancakes!!! And now I'm going up to a super bowl hang out thing. AND...I started writing my Thesis!!!!!! !!!!!! This one's going down in the books as one of the best weekends ever. I think the only thing that could make it better is if, like, my family shows up at my door in the next few minutes with the customary ice cream cake ('cause I could eat more, oh yeah I could...) ::::waaaaait for it::::: Okay, so it looks like they're not coming, but that's still okay!! :::sigh:::: What a time, what a time...


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