Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Another laundry night...:::sigh::: which pretty much means I'm stuck here doing homework at my computer until the dinosaur of a dryer downstairs can finish drying all of my stuff. It's pretty cut throat down there, make no mistake about that. I thought Tuesday night would be a slow laundry time...but no, Tuesday night is the new Sunday night apparently. I guess it's not too vexing that everyone in my apartment complex runs out of socks on the same day...it sort of...binds us closer under a common hardship. Maybe laundry brings things out in a person...I noticed, while hanging up my jeans, that I have a certain system involved. Not like, one of those weirdly extravagent ones (I don't, for example IRON my jeans. No, no. You find one of those jean ironers, and you'd better get yo'self outta there. You just have NO idea what's going on in their heads.) But I hang my jeans on different quality hangers according to...well...loyalty. "Here you go, old buddies. You've served me well. Never an unwelcome squinch, or an untimely sag. You get the good, sturdy hanger. But YOU guys. With your fraying at the bottom, and your little uncomfortable button...flimsy plastic hanger for you! Bahaha!" And that is certainly not crazy at all.

In other news...I have begun to wait. BJ has already gotten into 2 schools...and I? I have begun checking the mail. And answering the phone. And UCLA...grr.....UCLA has committed the atrocity of putting a "Decision Status" link on their grad website. So you can log on. And see if they've decided yet. GAH! Here's me at work: "Well, hmm, it's 10 in the morning, maybe they've updated it. :::check::: D'oh! That's okay! Maybe it just takes them a while." 15 minutes later: "Hmmm, well, it *is* later, technically. And it doesn't take that long to update a website. :::check:::.......Effing slackers."

Alrighty...well, I'm going to go wait for Yale to call.


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