Thursday, August 18, 2005

Go out and find "Float On" by Modest Mouse. Buy it. Pirate it. Burn it from your friend. Lie in wait at your nearest college campus for that kid with the messy bed head hair and the thick black glasses and converse shoes to walk by so that you can jump him, take his iPod, and run cackling away with his painstakingly selected hours of Indie Rock.

I don't care what you do.

But you must get this song.

And you must listen to it very loudly when times are rough. Locked in your room alone. Or in your car, where you will sing to it at the top of your lungs and not care that others at the intersection are staring at you. Or at the gym, on your treadmill, where you will smile and even lip sync to it as sweat pours down your face and people will stare at you for being so happy on the treadmill. But it's okay, you don't need to mind them at all...because while you're running you'll be smiling because you are reassured. You will KNOW things could still turn out okay whereas these pansies lifting weights only hope so. You and Modest Mouse are great. You can do anything together. You are invincible.

(Until you put the song on your iPod and some random jerk barrels out at you from behind some bushes one day as you're walking to class, dashing your glasses on the ground and scuffing your converses.)


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