Thursday, November 07, 2002

Walking home today in the rain I had this sarcastic little feeling flittering around in my stomach and I got to thinking whether it was the best of times or the worst of times.
(Note to self: For God's sake, get a buddy to walk home with. What the hell does that mean anyway? You need to lighten up.)
But think about's almost Thanksgiving. And that's nice. But it's not ever going to be Christmas at the rate we're going. And that's not nice. And rain can be soothing...but it also runs down the pipes next to my bedroom window all night and keeps me up. Homestly though, I think I've been reading too much Beckett. I think instead of writing my novella about a telemarketer, I'll write like him. In which case, here was my day a la Theatre of the Absurd:

Waiting for an A, by yours truly

Kat-a student, representative of the entire scholarly body of people on earth
Homework- the universal oppressor

The scene: A bare stage with a chair, in which Kat is sitting as Homework circles and lectures

Homework: What shall we do?
Kat: It's not what one does, it's how one does it.
Homework: You have a paper due. That will pass the time.
Kat: What are we doing here again?
Homework: Waiting for an A.
Kat: Can I have a carrot?
Homework: NO!!! NOT NOW!!!
Kat: So I should do my paper?
Homework: Your paper.
Kat: And wait for an A?
Homnework: An A.
Kat: But I haven't even seen him before. Is this my pencil?
Homework: (kicks Kat in the shins.)
Kat: What was that for?!
Homework: What?
Kat: Am I human?
Homework: Let's ask.
Kat: About the book.
Homework: Precisely.
Kat: I'm going.
Homework: You can't, you're waiting for an A.
Kat: What if he never comes?
Homework: He might.
Kat: Not.
Homework: (kicks Kat in the shins again.)
Kat: It would be better if we parted.
Homework: Let's go. (They do not move.)

Thus is the story of my procrastination. And go read Waiting for Godot, it's funny. I need a carrot...


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