Sunday, September 15, 2002 poor little neglected...I never was very good about keeping diaries. I'm a terrible pen pal too. I suppose I just don't think that most of the stuff that happens to me is too terribly interesting. At least not interesting enough to commit to paper ( It's like affirming my own mediocrity when I write things like, "Today at precisely 7 am I awoke and proceeded to eat breakfast yadda yadda..." I mean, really! How enthralling is that? I have this fear that I'll keep a diary and then one day after I'm gone archeologists will find it, decipher it, and say, "What IS this dribble?! Why do we CARE that she has corn flakes for breakfast?! Didn't this person understand that she was writing for the future?! Did she have nothing to commit to posterity?! No socially redeeming insights to offer us on life?! For Chrissakes Woman! How COULD you be so base?!" How embarassing. Truly. So anyway, because I have about 300 pages left to read tonight and therefore need to procrastinate, I'm just going to make some things up.


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