Friday, September 06, 2002

I fell up the stairs today while walking to an 11 o'clock class in Dwinelle. I wasn't even in a huge hurry, just sort of a determined gait. I do this a lot. Now I have a scratch on my foot and a bruised knee (but I have innumerable other little scars here and there from doing just the same sort of thing.) I'm 19 and a half years old. You know what? It astounds me that after nearly two decades' worth of experience in the art of ambulation I have yet to master it. Ghastly. Simply Ghastly. The only other event that could possibly eclipse this was Mr. Bohman's little escapade last spring (hi Erik!) For those of you who don't know (and probably wouldn't because you live thousands of miles away and therefore will never meet the afore-mentioned Mr.Bohman, so don't worry Erik!) he had the peculiar experience of falling out of his own shoes one day on the way to the gym and landing sprawled out on his stomach. I wasn't there, but I would've given my right arm to see something like that... hehe. (We all love you Erik, and now you're a legend! woohoo!) At least Erik is a proficient walker. Myself, I will try just a bit harder to perfect that a little...

And so I leave you...

One foot, other foot, one foot, other foot, one foot, other foot....


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