Saturday, June 04, 2005

This morning:

Me: Dad, you mind if I go sit out in the sun, or do you have anything for me to do?
Dad: Nothing I can think of. You'd better go tan. Andrew, can you say "pasty?"
Andrew: Pasty!
Angela: Pasty!
Me: Jerkfaces.

In other news, I have a JOB. Yessss! I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing yet...but I'm going to be helping out at one of our family friend's offices. He's an oral surgeon- I might even get to be a surgery assistant. So yeah, here's little English major me, observing surgeries. Hmm. Apparently I would just have to sit there and hold the person's head and make sure he or she was breathing and that everything was going okay. Psshhht. Piece of CAKE. $10/hr to make sure people don't, like, die. I can TOTALLY do this.

And I'm insanely glad this worked out...because I noticed that Del Taco was hiring. And I entertained the idea...of, you know...pulling a Kevin Spacey/American Beauty type thing where you find some no-responsibility job and work in fast food and achieve peace on some different plane of existence. But, yeah. Kevin Spacey got shot in that movie. So I'm gonna do the whole surgery thing, if that's alright with you guys.


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