Thursday, June 02, 2005

Andrew: [Importantly, with a conspiratorial air] Katherine, I need to tell you something.
Me: Really? What is it?
Andrew: Knock, knock.
Me: Who's there?
Andrew: Apple.
Me: Apple who?
Andrew: Apple and banana SPLIT!
Me: [chuckling] That's not funny, Andrew.
Andrew: YOU'RE not funny, DORK. [exit, stage left]

This little exchange, with very little variation, happens every day. Sometimes twice. It's been happening for more than a year, only when I'm not home it happens over the phone. And I can't wait until this kid grows up. Because in thirty years, when I am an old, decrepit 52 and he is a young whippersnapper at 34, I'm going to remind him of these things. Probably in front of his own children.

They, all four of my siblings, that is, should look forward to this similar fate...

And it IS funny, really.


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