Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I have spent the last hour or so doing nothing but eating mint chocolate chip ice cream, putzing around my room, and listening to indie rock on iTunes. Whoever figured out that mint and chocolate go hand in hand so well...well, God love 'im. As to the putzing and the music, who knows? I think indie rock is a tricky thing to get into. It's one of those things that some do not take lightly. On the one hand, there's some great music. On the other hand (and, I may be a tad out of my element here, but I think there's some truth to this) there's the fans. No, no. "Fans" is not the word. "Aficianado" or "connesseur" is more like it. With all of the snootiness that those terms imply. (Because, after all, words like this that are imported from romance languages into our own somehow get snootinized more often than not...) You couldn't go to some sort of (hypothetical) indie rock convention as only a casual admirer. It'd be scandalous. "You mean you don't own ANY of The Thundercats' bootleg live albums?!? Man, the '98 Stockholm is mindblowing! 27 minute version of 'The World is my Face!!!!!!'"
AND it seems a weird discipline. Usually it's a point of pride to be well-versed in topics that other people are also interested in. I've heard an indie fan or two gloat over finding their very own band that no one knows about. The smaller the fan base, the cooler you are for being a part of it. Hmm...maybe that's not too weird. I guess the goal is to prove how elite you really are. Hmmm....interesting.

Alrighty, off to bed for now. :)


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