Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Okay...a few things:

We went out for burritos tonight, and, parked outside of Cactus when we left: A big, old truck. COVERED in fuzzy leaopard print material. Oh MY goodness. SO cool. I wouldn't want to be the person driving that truck around, but I would certainly want to be friends with them. "See that leopard truck? Yeah. I know him." (For some reason, in my head it's a him...although, it's true that the attempt to conjure an exact picture of the self-respecting (and leopard respecting) man who would do that to his set of wheels is more an exercise in defining the limits of my imagination that anything else.)

Also, whoever it was who, while wallowing in the boredom of some board meeting at his second rate advertising agency, decided that it would be okay to take a baby, and splice an adult's mouth onto its face, so that during the commercial he appeared to actually be talking as a normal adult would (granted, a normal adult with some sort of identifiable accent, and usually a fair amount of credulity: "What?! Pampers on sale for $6.99?!") needs to seriously reconsider the nature of the contributions he is making to society at large. I'm sorry, sir, but unnaturally loquacious babies are not working towards the greater good. No, no. They need to be stopped. (I'm talking about YOU Smart and's not right!)

And, it's true. I have lots. And lots. Of homework right now.


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