Monday, April 11, 2005

Okay, it's true. I haven't updated in a while. Yes. I know. Hmm...well, let's see what has happened.

I'm going to UCLA. The paperwork's all turned in. I have housing. Everything. That was easy. Now all I have to do is learn how to live in Souther California again. I'll probably get a spray tan and start eating wheat germ. Also will reincorporate several expressions that I managed to shed since high school- including, but not limited to, those using "like" as an intensifier: "Like, for serious?!"

The first rough draft of my Thesis is due on Thursday. (Translation: expect more whinning in the coming days. And quite possible some very long procrastinatory blogs on Wednesday night/early Thursday morning.)

Have turned into huge literary nerd. Have been making jokes about Kant in my away messages. Have been mainting that I still reside on the moral high ground when friends point out rampant nerdiness of said messages. (I'm not naming any names. You know who you are.)

Had a really nice weekend with the Beejers. We saw Sin City. Great- I mean, really great. I liked it for the whole graphic novel as a genre idea. (reference above nerd passage.) I've been hearing about graphic novels a lot lately- Collin (or whatever his name is that's messing up Sandy's marriage) got a publisher interested in Cohen's graphic novel on the OC the other day, and even then it sounded cool. (Reference above paragraph about me reincorporating myself into Southern California...) BJ also *tried* to take me rock climbing. I was so excited- I really was. There are a few good things about rock climbing gyms, in general. The most apparent, or so I thought, is that, unlike regular gyms, no one can maintain any pretension to being cool. Like, at all. And why? Because EVERYONE is walking around in a butt harness. Uh-huh. I defy you, sorority girls who always come and use up treadmill time at the RSF with your already genetically exquisite bods, while the rest of us, poorly-gened and bookish to boot, wait an extra half an hour for you, to come prance around in the rock climbing gym and look very cute in your HARNESS. Ha! It cannot be done. can. not. Also fun to see boyfriend doing pinata impression. hehe.
However, I unfortunately did not quite put 2 and 2 together before we went, and realize that rock climbing would probably not be the athletic endevour meant for a girl with a notorious fear of heights. So, yes. Rock climbing developed quickly into rock clinging, and then rock getting downing and then nearly rock hyperventilating. But, it's always good to try new things, right? Right. For this next week, though, I think I'll just stick to the running. Maybe next week's sport will be something wild like...badminton. Or curling. Maybe even croquet. At the very least, we *do* have to schedule that Zoolander-a-thon walk-off with the English group. (I'll bring the two buck guys bring David Bowie...)

Oh yeah! And I :::heart:::: astrophysicists! Like, for serious! :)


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