Friday, June 10, 2005

I know, it's astonishing. This blog is going to be about newness, in effort to make the transition to the new template a little eaiser. (See, I care...) place, new time, new blog (sort of. Same old stuff. Just now you can post comments...couldn't get them to work on the old template and a few people asked me to add comment yup. here it is. I must admit that I was proud to figure out the comments thing on my own, finally, and that I'm feeling exceedingly clever right now.)

But yeah. Wow. I really feel like everything changed at once. My old curling iron even broke the day I moved out of my apartment in Berkeley. And those of you who have known me for any length of time (especially in high school or the early college years) KNOW what a THING that curling iron was. (Umm...I think we all called it the "hair ritual" in the morning. Let's not turn up our noses at the benefits of a comfortable routine.) And it was the only machine that I ever agreed with on regular terms. It worked, day in and day out, from the time I bought it before my freshmen year of high school until it broke two weeks ago. Let's see YOU boast that sort of loyalty, you silly computer!! :::shake fist::: But I guess now it's time to move on. Some things just get used up, and it's not so bad to look around and see what you have left. I've got a lot left from the past few years...including a lot of really great friends.

And now you can all leave me comments!

(damned clever, I tell you...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!! FINALLY! i've LONGED to post comments on yer blog!

10:35 PM  

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