Monday, January 19, 2004

Ready for a voyage into uncharted weirdness?

On the way home from a movie this evening my friend Meredith and I had a short offhand conversation about the Aquabats...specifically their song, "The Cat With Two Heads." (A classic, if I may, if you have the means, pull that sucka up on iTunes, if not...pirate yourself a little something.)

But wait! The weirdness does not stop there! (Although several 20 something men running around in leotards as a super hero ska group is pretty weird. I mean, comparatively speaking.)

When I got home from the previously mentioned outting, I found, to my surprise.....



RebelDM01: the cat with two heads, whoooooaaaaa, the cat with two heads!!

Auto response from TheKatsMeoW137: you can pick your friends. you can pick your nose. but you can't pick your friend's nose.

RebelDM01: hahaha
RebelDM01: i listened to aquabats on the ride home from utah :-)


What could it all mean?!

The only logical conclusion I have come to so far is that perhaps the Aquabats will serve as the guiding beacon for my life this next semester (that starts tomorrow.) I'll keep you posted. Until then...Super Rad! and so long, Powdered Milk Man...


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