Saturday, October 25, 2003

What?! Are you KIDDING me? Nothing, absolutely NOTHING has happened to me since October 6 at 10:46 and 12 seconds PM to warrant a mention in my blog? That's like...(25-6=) 19 days! I mean, Jesus, what have I been doing with my life? Am I truly so disinterested that for 19 days in a row I can come home at the end of the day with nothing sticking in my head? Nothing even so minute as a sidewalk marking, or interesting bathroom graffiti? Wait, why do I even write about crap like that?! I think I need a moment...

...okay so I've convinced myself that sidewalk markings and bathroom graffiti are important. Really, I mean, are they not examples of the many infinitessimal social indicators, whizzing around us each day, that represent the little quirks of society? Aw, now that's a bunch of BS and we both know it. Why I can't I just keep a regular journal?! aaaaaaargh!


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