Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Most of us have, at one time or another, been plagued by unwanted e-mails from mailing lists that we are sure, beyond any reasonable doubt, that we have never subscribed to. My friend BJ ended up on one of these list serves, I've pulled out a few choice excerpts, each from a different author, to describe the situation of dealing with this modern little problem:

Phase 1- Discontent, Proposal of Solution #1
Jesus Freakin Christ you guys are retarded.
Click on this and email them. It's not so damned hard.

Phase 2- Failure of Solution #1, Mounting Anger
you can't unsubscribe. if everyone just simply deleted the emails they got
this would all be over instead of receiving 3 billion copies of emails from
fucktards trying to unsubscribe. enough already, this isn't funny.

Phase 3- Threats
ok, ONE MORE PERSON tries to unsubscribe to this shit by replying and I'm gonna personally take your email and sign you up for every single penis enlargement and home mortgage refinancing list I can find. You see if I don't.

Phase 4- Maliciousness Ensues
Seriously, are you people fucking retarded or what?! Something like 10 people already sent instructions to the list on how to unsubscribe and why you should stop replying to the emails. I'm keeping all your emails archived and if you keep sending messages to the list, I will find you and kick your stupid fucking face in, you morons. As for whoever is the owner of this list, (and this has to be someone from Berkeley because otherwise I don't think they could set up the listserv), you are a piece of shit. If I ever find out who you are, I will tear off your arm and beat you to death with it, you fucking waste of genetic material. I understand the proper authorities have been alerted and hopefully they will shut down this list soon. Until then, STOP REPLYING, ASSHATS!

Phase 5- Retribution: Emergence of the Cyber Vigilante
in case anybody wants to know who owns & probably caused this mess, i looked up who owns this list, and it is:
Walter Wong

do with that what you will.

Oh, wasn't that great? I laughed until I cried...wooo, still gives me the giggles. My personal favorites: "fucktard," that spitfire who wants to tear off someone's arm....and last, but most certainly, certainly not least: ASSHAT.


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