Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Huh. It's been a while.
So I'm home. And it's 2004 now. Huh.
Nothing's really been's only been the past few days that I've been out and about. Got terribly sick over Christmas (flu...fever...unintentionally garnered from my housefull of family who were inflicted with it before I came home) then spent most of New Year's with a headache as well (self inflicted via alcohol. Oy.) Been to Arizona too! That was fun...but other than that...huh.
I have just come to the realization that I have done absolutely nothing this entire break. Except teach my youngest brother and youngest sister the art of Ninja. What does Ninja look like with a five year old girl and three year old boy? Well, I'll tell you...for starters, it involves some headbands. Worn Karate Kid style. And then there's lots of jumping around and karate chopping and other intermittant gutteral noises. Usually initiated when Angela (pink headband) accosts Andrew (blue headband) while watching morning cartoons...pillow fight and erratic punching and chopping ensue. And we have a secret Ninja handshake (my idea.) Not easily demonstrated over blog, but if I showed you, I'd have to give you a sound thrashing anyway. We're slowly turning the rest of my family part Ninja as well...we just need more headbands.
Sometimes, just somtimes, life is friggin' awesome.


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