Monday, December 15, 2003

I think I've hit a new last final starts at 5 today, and by 8 everything should be over...but this is the only final that is really, truly scaring the shit out of me. The proffessor said that in order to study we had to "get inside his head," "figure out how he thinks," "divine what he might ask." Aaaack. Gah. Aaaargh. I'm sitting here at work with nothing to do, so I opened up one of our books for that class (because, of course, I have absolutely all of them in my bag...) and all of a sudden I stopped breathing correctly. Almost as if the smell of the pages associated itself with the height of a roller coaster, right as the camera takes your picture to reveal you, screaming, to all of your friends a few minutes after you get off. :::sigh::: I just want to go home...


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