Monday, April 05, 2010

Kat: [huddled on top of big pillow on the floor of her apartment, watching tv on her laptop. Dinner dishes stand, uncleared, on the table. It's about 8:30pm.]
Kat: Kat, put that away. We need to talk.
Kat: It's cool. I have 30 seconds for this break. Hulu lets you "choose your ad experience" for some shows. This time I'm watching Chevy Malibu commercials, but I'll admit that I wavered between that and the Transverse. Man, that ad experience would've been nice, too. Ooo, only 15 seconds left!
Kat: :::blink:: Yeah. Great. :::reaches over and slams laptop shut::: This is serious.
Kat: What the hell, Kat? I was watching that!
Kat: Kat, look at yourself.
Kat: [looks down at old Berkeley sweatshirt and navy blue sweats] What?
Kat: You're a mess. Now, I know that you needed some time off and whatever...but, Christ. It is time to get back in the saddle.
Kat: What do you mean? I'm happy like this. It's relaxing.
Kat: Kat, you're like that guy who plays JD's brother on Scrubs. You know, the one who spends a week in the bathtub after their dad dies?
Kat: Well, that was serious. And so is this.
Kat: It was, for a while.
Kat: And may I point out that my baths are purely for pain management reasons.
Kat: Really? Pain management? You needed to prop your laptop on a chair next to the bath two nights ago so that you could watch Julie and Julia for pain management?
Kat: It DID make the bath more comfy.
Kat: This is ridiculous. You can't live like this. Have some self respect!
Kat: I respect myself! That isn't fair.
Kat: Oh yeah? How long's it been since you did dishes?
Kat: ...
Kat: That's what I thought.
Kat: I...I started running low on detergent on Friday.
Kat: Yeah, so why didn't you take care of them on Saturday?
Kat: ...
Kat: I'm waiting. What? Too much Grey's Anatomy to watch? Huh?
Kat: That was mean.
Kat: What about Sunday?
Kat: Oh please! Sunday was Easter! Nobody ever washes dishes on Easter. It's like, the Sabbath or something. You're supposed to rest. You can't fault me for religious observance.
Kat: Uh-huh. So Catholicism. Catholicism is why you haven't done your dishes. You're going with that?
Kat: [nods petulantly] Well, a version of Catholicism...
Kat: And this version of Catholicism... it also dictates that you abstain from meat on Good Friday?
Kat: Yes.
Kat: And eat half a tub of cookie dough with a gin and tonic for dinner instead?
Kat: ...that's why we call it GREAT Friday.
Kat: You are impossible.
Kat: Thank you.
Kat: You're NOT welcome. Come get me when you're ready to do your PT exercises for the night...

...I guess I'll go do those now...

...and I'll wash my dishes...

...but then I'm taking a nice warm bath...


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