Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things that I'm a little ashamed of:

1. I didn't shower from Thursday, February 25th to Saturday, March 6th. Mostly I'm ashamed at how UN-appalled I was. I washed my hair in the sink, but other than that, I didn't feel like I smelled too funny. And, guess what, even though I didn't shave for more than a week, the world didn't end. In fact, without all of the ritualistic preening, pore- tightening, and loofahing, my mornings were a lot less stress. Is this what it's like to be a boy?

2. My unrelenting desire to watch Grey's Anatomy. I never really tried the show out when it first came on-- Scrubs and House had already taken their places in my heart as my go-to medical shows. And, frankly, the characters aren't that interesting (aside from Christina Yang. But maybe that's just because I think Sandra Oh does a great job delivering dry lines every once in a while.) Meredith's "dark and twisty on the inside" thing (as my friend Emily calls it) really isn't too believable. And Dr. Shepard's whole "blue eye having looking at Meredith longingly while soft college girl indy rock emerges from the background to heighten tension" thing just doesn't merit the screen time they think it does. But sometimes when I can't concentrate on work, and nothing seems to be able to take my mind off of things, or I cant get comfortable enough to sleep, I just want to watch Grey's Anatomy. I think it helps knowing that the series has been on for a few years-- it might not be the best, but there's a lot of it to keep me occupied.

3. I've been having a lot of trouble with sideways motion. I can handling walking forward pretty easily for short distances (like from my bed to my kitchen) without my crutch. But sideways steps. Damn. Yesterday in PT I took 5 sideways steps across the floor with minimal pain issues. My PT thought this was great, and said she was really happy with my progress.

But you know what? I can only take 5 steps to the side.

And a year ago I was running 3-milers, no sweat...


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