Sunday, March 14, 2010

Me: [watches The Replacements on TV, Dad enters from the kitchen, and sits down with a large bag of veggie chips.]
Dad: What's this?
Me: Some sports movie about a ragtag group of underdogs that get recruited to play pro football during a players' strike. Soon they're going to realize how well they work together as a team, even though they're all different, and human capability will be affirmed.
Dad: No, what is it really?
Me: Umm...a vehicle for the incredible acting talent of Keanu Reeves?
Dad: No. It's the story of a young man coming to age and finding himself.
Me: Oh.
Dad: Who's the girl?
Me: The head cheerleader. But she's already established that she doesn't date football players, so I don't think we have to worry about them.
Dad: But he has to get the girl.
Me: No, clearly there's no chance. It would probably take a player of uncommon talent and heart to convince her to break her rule.
Dad: Mmmhmm.
Me: I expect the movie will end, instead, with some sort of sporting event.
Dad: Sure. They'll win the playoffs.
Me: Not necessarily. Maybe they'll lose, but they'll all realize something about themselves and grow as people. They might go for the "moral victory" angle.
Dad: Which will happen in the final seconds of the big game.
Me: Probably.
Dad: And will be shot in slow motion.
Me: Certainly.
Dad: With deep brass music in the background.
Me: Definitely.
Dad: See, it's nice to have you around.
Me: Because I provide sarcastic remarks about your sarcastic remarks?
Dad: Yup. Have some chips.
Me: Okay.

I'm going back to my apartment tomorrow-- BJ's going to stay with me for a little while to make the transition to living by myself a little easier. A week ago, going back sounded so scary.

But everyone's taken such good care of me, that I think I'm ready to go.


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