Monday, March 01, 2010

Alright, let's get this straight, blog. Hip surgery BLOWS.

I'm not here for any mock heroics. This is not the time or the place for that. It's not like there haven't been some good, hopeful moments, but this is at least one space where I need to take a second and not act like I'm trying to be such a good sport. I'll get right back into being optimistic and having a positive attitude later, but for now this does need to be said. Hip. Surgery. Blows.

There were parts of Thursday that were just BAD. Like the part about how my labrum was a lot more messed up than expected, and that I *might* have to get my other hip scoped too at some point to avoid similar damage on that side.

And then there was FRIDAY. Friday, where I spent half of my night barfing into a bowl on my lap in front of various friends and loved ones and trying to gulp down some form of crushed up liquified Tylenol so that at least I'd have SOME sort of painkiller in my system. IT SUCKED.

As for crutches-- okay, they're not so bad. But if I'm sitting down (as I most often am) and I need to visit the little Kat's room, it takes no less than 10 MINUTES to pull myself to a standing position, hobble over to the bathroom, and then commit to the preliminary acrobatics required to take care of even minor restroom business. All the while dealing with questions like, "Do you need anything? Is everything okay?" IT'S FINE. I NEED TO PEE. PEOPLE PEE ALL THE TIME. ALL OVER THE WORLD. THERE ARE PROBABLY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE OUT THERE, PEEING SUCCESSFULLY, RIGHT NOW!

And then there's the pain factor. Hip surgery hurts. No use pretending it doesn't. IT SUCKS. But it's not going to kill me.

It's just going to make me very, very grumpy...


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