Saturday, October 28, 2006

You know...I saw a lot of people talking about this on facebook...and Mark, you're right. He had at least a little impact on my life, and that deserves something. If only because the impact that Tyler had on my life was only ever positive, I think I'll go ahead and take a second to talk about my favorite Tyler memory here. Because it never hurts to share the happy things with anyone who wants to read them...

When I was 17 years old, I was in the high school marching band- that's how I know my good friends Amy and Emily, and their families. Emily didn't live very far away from me, so we all used to carpool a lot. One Friday, probably early on in the fall, we were all going to drive together to the band room, to meet and get ready before a football game. I (and I'm pretty sure my sister Lizzie, too) left early, picked up Emily, Amy, and Emily's brother, Tyler, at the Lundin's house. I'm pretty sure it was all five of us, because, as I recall, we were packed into the car. And then, as happens with band members, we started talking about some of our parts- different songs, stuff we had to memorize. Maybe one of us mentioned that we had The Star Spangled Banner stuck in our heads ALL THE TIME. And then, I'm not sure how this started, but I think someone must have started to sing the first phrase...and then, (again, as happens...) someone else chimed in, singing their section's harmony part. So by the time "at the twilight's last gleaming" came around, I think all five of us were singing. And we got really into it. We're talking top of our lungs type of singing. With (and this is the best part) cymbal crashes for emphasis. "Ooooohhh say can you seeeeeeeeee" "CRASH!" "by the dawn's early light..." "CRASH!" "What so proooudly we hailed" "CRASH!" "at the twilight's last gleaming..."

And then we drove off, to a football game that we probably lost. (I don't think the team was very good that year...) But it was great-- because we got to be three goofy 17-year-olds and two goofy 14-year-olds in a car, singing for no reason.

So that's a little bit of Tyler for you.

At least, the Tyler that made an impression on me.

And everyone will miss him very much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kat, what happened? Did I miss something? I remember Tyler with his big bracey grin...I have a bad feeling in my stomach...

7:58 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

hey mara...

this is about everything I know...

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god, I had no idea...please send Emily and Mrs. Lundin my condolences.

8:50 AM  

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