Sunday, July 09, 2006

I *will* explode of happiness! I will! You watch!

Aaah! I'm in such a good mood today! Here's why:

1. Erik! Lesley!! Aaaah!

2. Naps! I had to wake up at 7 to go to an Eastern Orthodox service with my Russian class (holy moly...beautiful. Icons, nice choir, and Old Church Slavonic, mmm...) but when I got back, I got to take a nap!! It was great!

3. I did all my Russian homework LAST NIGHT. So any practice/writing in Russian done today was completely optional. ha!

4. Speaking of which...the collection of Russian music that I got from BJ's friend Jeff!! Otlichna!

5. And, furthermore: Pandora Radio. OMG, you guys. I'm not even kidding. Seriously. You go there, you type in some bands you like...and it plays you awesome songs. Awesome songs that would remain completely unbeknownst to you if you continued along the lines of your normal modus operandii, drudging along meaninglessly until you got new music from your friends. Ha! who needs friends when you have the internet?! Ha! (umm...wait...:::burdened sigh:::)

6. Frozen blueberries in a wine glass with a spoonful of whipped cream on top. Frozen blueberries are great. But frozen blueberries in a wine glass with a spoonful of whipped cream on top is out-of-control classy. Seriously. It's like summering in the Hamptons, only you don't even have to leave your crapass grad student apartment in the university housing units!

7. The USA Network. Oh, God. Please give me the strength to stop watching USA compulsively. Before it was just for Law & Order, and only when there was nothing else on, and because Mariska Hargitay is so badass...but now...they have Summer Series! Aaah! The 4400! And I watched The Dead Zone today too, because I had never seen it before...and because Anthony Michael Hall looks a little like Keifer Sutherland, except that we all know he can't really be Jack Bauer because he was the way nerdy blonde kid with the voice that cracked that was always after Molly Ringwald in the 80's. And Jack Bauer was, naturally, never nerdy, and would never have followed Molly Ringwald around like a puppy. He would have forced her to relinquish and to date him by using the brute force of his rugged good looks and his singularly successful interrogation style.

8. Sherlock Holmes. I actually got some work done today on my paper! Aaah!

9. Only 6 more weeks of class and one 20 page paper to finish and I get to take a REAL vacation!


Okay, back to work...


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