Saturday, April 22, 2006

Alright. THIS has officially become ridiculous. I can't say I've been entirely opposed to Catholic guilt as like, you know, a moderating force. Don't drink too much. It's bad for you. Don't be greedy. No one needs a billion dollar expense account. Don't eat that big huge greasy burger. It's Friday, and Jesus says meat is bad for you.

But it just took my Mom nearly half an hour on the phone to talk me into taking a vaccation in June to go see my boyfriend in Hawaii for a ridiculously cheap price. (And this is after BJ spent 15 minutes trying to do the same thing...) You'll get work done there anyway, she says. BJ will have to go to work some of the time, and you'll be able to work on a paper if you need to. And when are you ever going to be able to go to Hawaii that cheaply ever again? And one or both of your professors might be okay with giving you an extension if you can't get both papers done before you leave. What are you going to do if you stay home anyway? Study?

Aaagh! I can't have any fun at all without feeling bad about it afterwards. Or beforehand. Or during.

I need to get a grip. On something that isn't a book.

Oh yeah! On an optimistic note, it looks like my housing is going to work out after all! Whew...sure glad I didn't start stressing about *that* to early... :::eye roll:::

Good thing summer's just around the bend! And so's retirement! you know, geologically speaking...


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