Thursday, March 30, 2006

So I'm still in Hawaii...and at the Coffee Bean again working on a paper while BJ's at work. But then I realized that the Coffee Bean here gives you a free hour of wireless if you buy something so I was like, aha! A free hour of procrastination!

For one, it's not even raining today!! (yet?)

And holy crap! Yesterday was like, the best day ever.

7:30 AM- woke up, hiked to Manoa Falls.
9:30 AM- Walk home, shower, breakfast, etc. And while we're on it...holy crap. All of you, right now... go out and find some of this. Especially the Strawberry Banana kind. Your life- it will never be the same. I'm sure some of you are aware with my addiction to yogurt, and my general love for dairy products (mmm....Calcium!) but OH MY GOD. If I go to heaven when I die, I'm going to sit around watching Jane Austen adaptations and Sex & the City all day while holding one of these in each hand, only putting them down for short intervals in order to consume chocolate covered coffee beans or lemon poppyseed clif bars.
10:30 AM- Starbucks. Talk to Mom. Read 2 magazines. Outline next section of paper.
1:30 PM- Lunch with the Beejers.
2:00 PM (ish)- Coffee Bean. Finish drafting pages 19-24. Realize that writing more than five pages in one sitting is a physical impossibility. Blink eyes a couple times. Reread magazine.
5:00 PM- Meet BJ, stop off at home, head to OLD NAVY. That's right, my friends. OLD NAVY. And the boyfriend didn't even complain. At all! I got two new shirts and (gasp!) a pair of shorts. Because once every five years or's okay to buy some shorts.
7:00 PM (ish)- Dinner at Jackie's Kitchen. umm...elaboration:

Jackie's Kitchen is a restaurant owned by Jackie Chan in a mall here in Honolulu. The decor is *kind* of P.F. Chang-y, but no big stone horses. And it is, of course, incredibly cooler than P.F. Chang's because it is Jackie Chan-themed and therefore far more ninja, and far more awesome. There are various screens around the restaurant on which you can watch Jackie Chan movies while you wait for your food. And holy crap! The food! I ordered a fish sandwhich that was THE BEST FISH SANDWHICH I HAVE EVER HAD. And I had a Blue Hawaiin. And THEN! We got to play a free giveaway game, the last time BJ went there, they gave him an envelope with a bunch of different cards for free stuff (instructions on the front say not to open it and to return with it the next time you come.) So here's what happens: the manager comes over to your table, unseals your envelope, shuffles the cards around, and then you get to pick one. And I did. And we got a free $50 gift card!!!! We went to a restaurant to eat, and they paid for our meal and then gave us a card for $7 because our meal didn't amount to the whole $50!!! Hawaii is magical!!! Jackie Chan can do anything!!! I know that, recently, Chuck Norris has been receiving some extra internet attention...and while I am not here to argue with Chuck Norris's badassness, I must only point out that Jackie Chan's particular badassness is far more versatile. He can do action. He can do comedy. He can do family movies. He can be really drunk and totally still kick ass. In fact, he can make that the entire premise of more than one movie. He will do all of this. AND he will give you free dinner, cocktails, and $7. Chuck Norris, you may be able to divide by zero. But I can't eat such defiances of theoretical mathematics, now can I?

After that we went home and spent a nice night watching DVD's with some of BJ's friends. So, just to recap: Saw a waterfall before 9AM. Got HUGE amounts of work done. Saw a lot of BJ. Bought new clothes. Free dinner. Relaxation.

Hawaii is magical!


Blogger Lauren said...

I'm jealous. =)

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kat...i had diddy reese :) peanut butter cookies with mint chocolate chip ice cream. mmm!!!!

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you know why I went to Hawaii after graduation. I hope you island hop, Kat. Kauai is the MOST magical of the islands.

11:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've updated. Twice.

Now leave me alone to wallow in my misery.

1:44 AM  

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