Friday, May 05, 2006

Earlier, at Jerry's, standing by the regular take out counter at which I normally order my coffee and proceed upstairs to study, I gaze with more fervor than usual at the row of cakes in the bakery case:

Guy behind the counter: What can I get for you?
Me: (Distractedly.) Oh, just a piece of coffee. (Flustered.) Cake. Some cake and a piece of coffee. Coffee and a piece of cake! (I point desparately at an Oreo-encrusted cake in front of me.)
Guy behind the counter: (Laughing hysterically.) One piece of coffee coming up! And let's get this woman some cake!!

Aaargh...I am weak!

In my defense, it had Oreos on it...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha!! beautiful!! that's classic :)

11:47 PM  

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