Saturday, February 08, 2003

So apparently as the new year was ushered in all of my old blogs were shown the door out. All the old classics, the crazies, the ode to pizza, the question mark...gone. All gone. Leads me to wonder if this is not some blatant form of symbolism, sent from the powers that be, to show me that my life is dispensible and that I can easily be deleted. Heh. Sounds so existential. But hell, that's life.

Did you notice that I'm older? Yes, that's right, blog...since our last interlude I have embarked on my third decade. It's been pretty nice. Didn't have to pay to be taken out to dinner for a day or two and my Mom sent me a Care Bear. (Funshine Bear, if you must know.) And don't laugh. You know you watched the show when you were little. I even had the lunchbox. I was the kid you were jealous of in preschool. Oh yes.

So now it's twenty-year-old me and my Funshine Bear. Getting ready to read on a Saturday night.

Save me, O God, from my insipid nerdom.


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