Monday, January 20, 2003

I just set my alarm for 6:15 am to ensure that I can get my (soon-to-be-sleep-deprived) little butt out of bed by 7 tomorrow. Six fricken fifteen DOES NOT exist in my universe! It, frankly, should be a late bed time if anything. Certainly not an early rise. For Chrissake. And you know what I thought?

NO ONE, not ANYONE, can force me to go to school tomorrow.

I thought..."Do I hafta?" "Do I have anyone else to answer to besides myself if I do not go to school anymore? If I don't do my homework? the hours of reading? the papers?"
"Only myself," I thought. "And my fututre children who will have to live their lives with a mother who works in food service, wondering what they could have been if their parent had been educated and well off enough to send them to a good school so that they could be free to do what they wanted with their own lives and to find a better place for themselves in society than the one behind a counter wearing a funny hat at Hot Dog on a Stick."
So I gotta go, Blog. My progeny's yelling at me.


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