Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sorry for the scary posting!

Mom update: She's okay! She's getting her left foot set right now at the doctor's. And she said they had the best airport experience ever in Philadelphia because they got curb-side luggage service, almost immediate security check in, and then one of those little golf cart thingy things drove everybody right to their gate. And then they got home and Lizzie and I had made a nice dinner, cleaned the whole downstairs, and set up a nice little bed area for her on the first floor. So it looks like she's thinking that this whole inability to walk thing might not be such a bad deal.

And Angela and Andrew are doing great too! Angela looks like she's been in a boxing match. But we taught her just to say, "If you think THIS is bad, you should see the other guy." And then waggle her little fist.


Thank GOD.

Hope the holidays are finding all of your families safe and sound, too! Merry belated Christmas! Happy (C)han(n)ukah! Mela kalikimaka!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww...look at you learning Hawaiian!!

7:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


I made an assumption. Given the last, oh, every post in the past several months, I figured that I could abstain from checking your blog for a couple of weeks and catch up on the "I like chocolate, my siblings are adorable" updates for a week or two. And, holy shit, some assbag slammed into your mom's car. I mean, wtf, mate? I've never even met your mother, and she's still, like, the last person I'd ever wish that upon. You want that I should go break this bastard's legs with a baseball bat? I'll do it.

Seriously, I'm glad to hear that she's doing well, all things considered, and I'll see you soon.

P.S. Did I call you on New Year's? Checking my call history, it appears that I did call you, right between two Bible-thumping former coworkers.

1:05 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

I still like chocolate. And my siblings ARE adorable. And yes, assbag, wtf?, etc.

hehe...but maybe no baseball bat. We don't go for the whole eye for an eye, leg for a leg thing. Instead my Mom says that if she were in charge, everyone ever caught driving drunk, regardless of whether or not they hit anyone, would be forced to wait hand and foot on a drunk driving victim and his or her family until everyone was fully recovered. So if you want to go to Pennsylvania, look up that fellow, and triumphantly bring us back our own personal butler, be my guest. I have some shoes that need shining, and I'm sure our oven could use a good scrub.

haha...and yes you did call me on New Year's, I checked my voicemail the next morning. It's you saying "Happy Effing New Year!" like ten times. I'm totally saving it because of the vague notion that it might be useful for future blackmail.

12:17 PM  

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