Sunday, November 20, 2005

Found this! And I remembered that I thought it was hilarious at the time...and now it's important you all must be subjected to it...

(And, have I mentioned my absolute mania for horrifyingly awful poetry?)

To My Bad Hair Cut

Into the grocer's shop today
with hard encumbered tread
I first approached a bagger boy,
asked "Paper" for my head.

No hat can help, nor pin contain
its large unruly tufts.
So to this last resort I came:
a bag would be enough.

Oh sorry scissors, even more
you rueful razor blade,
Look to th'effects, and stand in shame
of what your actions made!

And tears shall run right down my face
all happiness eschewed,
for, Hair, you must be stuck to me
as I am stuck to you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i vote you poet laureate. of the universe. (you might have to battle Holderin and Wallace Stevens though)

4:15 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

Wow. Don't know so much about Holderin (I don't eff around with German philosophical poets...) but a cosmic versed battle with Wallace Stevens? I'm rolling up my shirt sleeves already...

Kat: Don't stand there cowering on the fringe-a, Face your fate 'gainst the poetical Ninja!

Wallace Stevens: An inchling bristles among these pines, beeatch!!!

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeas! i can't wait for the PPV broadcast, i'll invite the neighborhood to come watch!

1:35 PM  

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