Saturday, November 05, 2005

Yay for productivity!

So I know the blog spam has been bothering everyone, so I put on some spam blocker functions. Which means that posting will be a little more annoying, but don't be scared. We'll get through it together. Too bad I won't get anymore random strangers telling me how "splendid" and awesome my blog is. :::sigh::: Thus begins another search for methods of personal validation...

And! requested (thank you, Ms. Profeit!)...well, if any of you facebookers happen to have been searching and agonizing day and night, wondering when...when?? the club fullfilling all of your cheesy fish-shaped snacking needs would be created...that time has come.

I Love Goldfishes 'cause they're so Delicious. Taking applications for club officers, right now.

Yay for productivity...


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