Monday, October 17, 2005

So today it rained. A lot. And...well, I was asking for it. Because I didn't have a speck of clothing on me that was waterproof, and I forgot my umbrella. Yes- I, Kat, who always has an umbrella in the bottom of her bookbag or inordinately large purse, sometimes even in the middle of the desert during July, forgot my umbrella. But I learned how to take the shuttle from campus (after standing at the wrong stop and being made fun of by no less than two bus drivers.) Oh, have your fun, public transit workers of America, making fun of the meek and lowly and sopping wet. Our time will come! When we will....I together and...walk everywhere we want to go... I guess... (And people say that I'm not good at making threats.)

And here's something else I feel should be addressed:

My Incurable and Deep-Rooted Disdain for Kirsten Dunst and All That She Signifies

Okay, so "hate," in its traditional sense, is a pretty stong word. But, colloquially speaking, it just registers dislike (mild or extreme) or even annoyance. Stuff like "I hate it when people don't use their turn signal" or "I hate the trucker hat as a fashion item" or "I hate it when members of the news media report on topics like journalistic integrity and do not realize the postmodern moment in which they are caught." That said, I hate Kirsten Dunst, man. Seriously. I think it all started when she played the young Amy in Little Women. I mean, maybe I'm just taking part of the long tradition of women (well, and preteen girls...) from the 1870's onward who have been secretly pissed off that Jo March (*SO* much cooler than her sisters, and she's an aspiring authoress! Played by Winona Ryder in the version I'm thinking of) shafts Laurie (hot guy, but one who admires Jo for her character and wit and is played by Christian Bale who is, aptly, unspeakably hot) so that he eventually marries Amy (annoying youngest sister hell-bent on social climbing, played by, you guessed it, Kirsten Dunst.) Gah! What a catastrophe! I never did buy that whole thing where Jo ends up with that mysteriously-imported German fellow. bah! (Although, he was cute too...) Anyway! My point is, that the young Ms. Dunst didn't seem to be *acting* so much as she was being a whiny little blonde girl with an upturned nose that nonetheless doesn't distract quite enough from her eyes being very wide apart and somewhat too small. (Okay, I know...discounting someone on the basis of their looks is incredibly mean, and detracts substantially from the integrity of any argument...but...I guess I'm coming to terms more with Kirsten Dunst's image, which, as with most movie stars, is based on their appearance, than with the "real" Dunst. If that exists. Oh, God. Make this stop. Before I bring in Kant.) So there's where it all started. She was annoying in Little Women, and, for me at least, has not stopped being bratty or whiny ever since. Bring It On? That was a good (in the sense of bad=good) movie BECAUSE it was Kirsten Dunst in a movie that mocked cheerleading sub-culture- even if the characters win, nobody wins. The context into which they are placed makes them big losers (or the objects of ridicule) no matter how victorious they are in the plot. The Spider Man movies? Don't even get me started! It's not even that I didn't enjoy those movies, but maybe she ended up in those because they replicated a world of cartoon drama and cartoon sentiment. Which is like, kinda what she does. I don't know if there's anyone else out there who can make "I love you." sound so papery and contrived. And now Elizabethtown!! She going to do the SAME thing- be annoying and STILL get a hot Orlando Bloom guy. Argh! I'm not saying I won't watch it...but when I do see it, it'll probably be out on DVD, and I'll be in the comfort of my own home, where I can put it on mute and make up the dialogue. Bahaha... :::sigh::: So yes...perhaps during the span of my life, Kirsten will appear in some great movie, and play some role flawlessly, intuitively, and profoundly. And my respect will be earned instantly. And I'll forgive her for Christian Bale, and Paul Bettany, and Orlando Bloom. But...well, that day will probably come along about the same time that I lead a boycott against smug bus drivers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't hate on my favorite film. the cheerleading finals in Daytona were actually shot at the amphitheatre on the beach in Oceanside. i must admit, after seeing that movie for the 5th or 6th time, her teeth and sometimes creepy smile began to bother me -- but then I discovered how Eliza Dushku totally makes that film worth watching over and over again.

11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen! she always made me so mad in Little Women, especially cuz her name was Amy and she was such a punk little brat. wasn't she in Jumanji too? i can't remember.

12:13 PM  

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