Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Nearing the end of my summer, I suppose...everyone else I know that's going to school in the fall is already there. Even BJ's leaving in a few days. Which I guess means that those days will go by faster than light can travel through unimpeded space. And then the days after that will creep by at a rate that is inversely proportional to that first number. :::sigh:::

But I digress...

Although this summer hasn't maybe been the best (which, at times, has been shorthand for "holy God, spare me...") I've still learned a few things:
1. You can still love someone even if they watch too much Fox news.
2. The expression "like pulling teeth" needs some revision. Pulling teeth isn't actually too hard most of the time.
3. Sometimes you know when a thing will happen. Sometimes you don't. But if you *suspect* a thing might happen, you'd better as hell be ready.
4. People will do ANYTHING. The bad stuff. The good stuff. All of it.
5. Bob Sagat might possibly be the dirtiest man alive. Curiously enough, he may also be one of the funniest.
6. Penguins are effing CRAZY.
7. Sometimes when you love someone, you've got to let them go. But stick by them the whole time anyway. If that makes any sense?
8. The people that always look sure of themselves are putting up a FRONT.
9. Gumballs are an underappreciated joy.
10. You can do lots of stuff with jell-o. Lots of stuff.
11. Kids are a lot cuter when they are not your responsibility.
12. "But...I like you." Is a really good argument. Especially if you're 4.
13. Some people just don't work the same way that you do. (Ongoing...)
14. Sometimes, if you're upset about something/someone, it's your own damned fault.
15. There's some really great music out there. It sounds even better when some of it ends up randomly on your car radio, and you can turn the volume up all the way and tool around while rocking out.
16. Great Expectations is a really great novel. If you can get through the middle 200 pages.
17. My dad plays hardcore Trivial Persuit.
18. Walking on the treadmill is not just for old people. It's not.
19. Husbands are fine, perfectly reliable chaps. Ex-husbands are the minions that do the dark lord's work upon this earth. (Thank you, office full of 30-40 year old women...)
20. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!

Okay, this is sappy enough...maybe more later...

Whoa, yeah...sappy...


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